Spray It

Spray it is a creative agency of international street artists based in Stockholm working with art and graphic design. Spray it was founded in 2016 created to share our passion of graffiti and to make it more accessible for a Swedish audience. The aim is to develop all types of projects related to urban creation.

Spray it provide a wide range of services to its clients and partners. Earlier projects include educational courses for adults and kids, wall-paintings for individuals and companies, graphic design and collaborations with product designers. The agency has also produced original exhibitions showcasing Swedish and International artists. We create the environment for your individual needs. Transform the look of your company to highlight your particular vibe and leave a lasting impression with your clients.

We take care of all your needs for art and graphic design, even offering courses in street art for adults as well as kids.


SPRAY IT offers tailored decorations for public environments, bars and restaurants, stands, meeting rooms, showrooms, product boards and more. Each creation is a unique and intimate collaboration between our team and yours.


Our graffiti workshops for adults, teenagers, and children, are based in promoting social connections, developing a relationship to art and expression. The workshops are designed to encourage listening, sharing, thinking and searching.

Graphique Design

We take care of all your needs for art and graphic design. Logo, graphic identity, visuals for events, business cards, signboards and so much more !


Exhibitions, live paintings, and cellograffs are new ways to help you catch the attention of a new audience. Painting is also a way to promote better teamwork as a team building event, and to further the personal development your team and their imagination.

Voi Project

Projet Voi



Nåt Bra


St. Eriksgatan 66

St. Eriksgatan 66





Turnable Tables

Turnable Tables


Bro Tunel

Bro Tunel


Who have we worked with ?

references' picture